Tuesday 10 January 2012

Winter Roach

I looked out of the window yesterday to see the winter sun burnishing the reeds a deep yellowy gold, and I found myself drawn inexorably to the water.

A quick cup of tea and a crumpet, then perhaps an hours angle was just the thing, I hadn't fished since last year after all (hah hah) so extracting my beautiful avon from Dad's overcrowded rod rack was overdue!

In the end I did only fish for about an hour (for those who do not fish, 'angler's time' has a somewhat elastic property so here 'about an hour' most closely resembles an hour and a half of 'real time' that felt like only 30 minutes)

But I filled my hour with lovely winter roach.

I should have kept count, but I admit I didn't, I was enjoying pulling them in too much.
 I can report that all were between half a pound and just over a pound, and that I was relieved of 3 slices of bread to catch them.
All were in lovely condition, and the low winter sunshine really brought out the bright red fins, and the sparkle in the silver. 

It's just as exciting to see a nice roach slide into the net today as it was when I was 7. Magic.


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