Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year!

A very happy (belated) new year to all our customers and friends!

Despite the quiet time of year we've had guests with us over the holiday period. Dave and Fran stayed with us for Christmas, and enjoyed some much milder weather than this time last year (which saw temperatures drop to -22 degrees C). Good catches of Roach (as always) and especially Tench were taken by both.

With the weather so mild I'm often seeing chub rising and splashing on the top of the Willows, so I expect a few good chub are also only a cast away!
No doubt the birds are appreciative of the milder weather too, and I did hear Dave got some cracking photo's.
Personally I've been enjoying keeping an eye on one of our Coal tit's who has taken up residence down the barrel of my dad's french sea cannon that sits outside our window - the cannon took a 3 inch ball - apparently just right for this little character who retires to bed at about 4 o'clock each day. Although with the days creeping ever longer he is becoming a little bit later as the week goes by. Before we know it we'll back in the long golden days of summer watching the carp cruising across the top!

Some of you may have noticed we've updated our prices list page for 2012, and unlike the weather I hope you're pleased to find the prices are frozen!
I haven't quite managed to get the online booking system into the new year quite yet - please bear with me.

Best fishes for 2012, from Emma and all the family.

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