Monday 16 January 2012

Angler's Mail Dec 6th issue - nice little piece

I read this little piece in the Angler's Mail the other day (from the 6th Dec issue):

click to enlarge
It's always nice to read about people championing the need for the care and respect due to our aquatic quarry.
So I thought I'd share it in case you'd missed it, Ben Hervey-Murray makes an excellent, succinct point about unhooking mats. And we completely agree with him.

We take great pride in caring for our fish.
We tend to attract very caring anglers anyway, but there a few key things we do to ensure our fish are kept in tip top condition:
  • Firstly the ratio of anglers to fish is kept deliberately low - not only ensuring that guests enjoy space and freedom with plenty of pegs, but also keeping pressure on the waters to a minimum,
  • We require that guests are equipped with an unhooking mat, 
  • And also that they use Klinik or similar antiseptic on any wounds for example should a fish have spawning damage,
  • We carefully monitor water quality, and what the ingredients of popular baits contain,
  • Predator prevention and control (not pike or perch - cormorants and mink)
  • And of course barbless hooks only.
 Of course that's not all we do, but it's the main things we hope our guests appreciate.

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