Sunday 14 February 2010

Things other than fishing!

Hey guys,

Just thought I'd put up a couple of pics to show you what I got up to yesterday here in the South!
- A friend and I went upto Stanage, in the Peaks to boulder (a type of climbing) but it got a bit difficult going as the snow fell:

You wouldn't believe how long and how many attempts it took me to get over that overhang! Got it in the end though!
(Oh and most boulder's don't wear helmets but I'm just so accident prone for head injuries I don't risk it too much!)

I'm home to revise for 4 weeks at Easter so I'll have to work on finding other exciting distractions at home then too - I'm thinking I might try working on a project on all the fells / climbs / outdoor stuff that's within an hour of Lonsdale...
Do you think I could get Dad to cover the petrol? :D


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