Monday 14 July 2014

Dowels Delight

Thanks Anthony for sending over the write -up  & photos from the week-end.

 all were caught between 8pm to 6am using frankfurter and snail frozen baits I was simply chopping 1 down as a hook bait sometimes adding artificial corn and then breaking 6 to 8 up  (boillies) into little pieces and putting them into a mesh bag and casting them towards either Lilly's or other features. I was resting my swim through the hours of midday until 5pm were i would go and get freshend up and a good cooked meal but after that it was back to the arches. Overall I fished 2 nights and 2 mornings on the arches  managed 7 tench 4 to 6 1/2lb and 4 carp 17 to 18 1/2lb all on frankfurter and snail baits including the tench, who were only showing up early hours of the morning 4am then they would quiet down about 11am but they were great fun and kept it interesting when the carp were quiet so all in all a great weekend can't wait to go back. Anthony Dowell

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