Monday 9 July 2012

Over 250lbs of fish in less than a week!

Recent guest Ken, who stayed with us last week just sent us this 
email which I thought I'd share: 
"Paul and Val,
I have just returned home, having spent the last 7days at Lonsdale with

Andy, Gary, Paul and Pauls dad Jim. We all caught fish (well nearly all of us use a lot of fish seemed to "escape" from one of the foundermembers of the CCCC thats cant catch carp club!!) 
I was lucky enough tofish a very "Privilage" peg , to which I had one hell of a good time, Ispent 4 of the 7 nights biveyed up, the fishing was amazing, havingcaught over 250 pound of fish, 
The Highlight has to be the 2-19lbcommons, wow the whole experience was just amazing, i attached some pictures, I hope it gives you as much pleasure looking at them, as it did me to catch them. Thanks again Paul for a fantastic week atLonsdale, one that will be remembered for a long time.

ken t 

p.s Special thanks must go to the gruesome twosome for entertainment
value over the week (That's Gary and Andy, who were up until the lastday founder members of CCCC club!!) 
Sorry Guys....." 

Thanks for the email Ken! 
As you can tell they had a cracking time!Having stayed with us before, the boys knew about the huge bags of fish that come from Lonsdale Lake in particular, 
but hadn't experienced the magic themselves... until now that is!
The fish fell to our Lonsdale Secret Recipe boilies - which are proving so popular with fish and anglers alike that Dad's having to ration guests who are leaving wanting to take them home, to make sure we have plenty for the next week's arrivals!

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