Wednesday 19 March 2014

Moody, Misty Lonsdale - But Colin Stuart enjoyed some of it's secrets. THANK-YOU Colin for the write -up!

Hi Val
Firstly let me thank both you and Paul for yet another great stay, as per usual everything was the way it should be and once again we can’t wait until we return.
I have been visiting your lodges on and off for that past 6 years, and each and every occasion you accommodate my short term notice and my short term stays with the greatest of ease, it is just so unfortunate  that due to work commitments it is very unlikely I can get a week with you but maybe in the future. In the mean time I hope I can just drop you an email and we can see what can or cannot be done if an opportunity of time off arises again.  
I am now going to write about my stay if you have a review page you can put it up if you choose.
I contacted Lonsdale Park by email to arrange a short break and within  a very short time I received an email back and a trip was arranged for long weekend.
On arrival we were met by the owner Paul and after the usual pleasantries, Paul went on to explain the rules and made sure that my net, mat and weigh sack were all dipped in disinfectant, this showed how serious Paul  and the staff take the protection of their fish stock. Anyone one who is truly interested in protecting the future of this sport could not be anything other than impressed with how serious Lonsdale Park about protecting the quality of the fishing
“ Val” I assume the lodge manager, arrived to book us in and again this was done with a minimum of fuss.
This is a quiet time of the year so there were very few residents in the park, knowing the cottage layouts I did expect to be going into cottage number three, however we were put into to a bigger cottage as there was already someone in cottage number three and Val wanted to give us a bit more room so put us in a cottage with an empty cottage between us, this was a nice touch.
The quality of Lonsdale Park Fisheries is not how well they do the things that should be done well, but how they deal with things when they go wrong.
We had a complete loss of electricity during our first night and although this was late on Friday night Paul immediately organised to come over and find out what the problem was, while we were waiting for him to arrive the power came on, we phoned him to say all was well and he need not come, but he still wanted to have a look around, he also found that our electric meter was not working properly, this was sorted straight away without fuss.
The Fishing was first class given the time of year.
I am a pike fisherman not a course fisherman, so while waiting for a pike run I passed the time fishing for silver fish, the total fish count for the three days was 8 Pike on average around the 11lb mark, the biggest was a female heavy with eggs around 14lb, I had a 6lb 3 ounce Tench and way over 100lb of Roach, I would imagine if you were into your course fishing the silver fish count could be easily doubled
In short a fantastic peaceful holiday and we can’t wait for our next weekend away
Colin and Heather Stuart

Friday saw a bit of a misty start for us as you can see by the photos.

However the mist cleared away before the arrival of Colin & Heather.

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