Saturday 26 May 2012

Are you making the most of the weather?

 Well it's been a glorious week. 
26 degrees average upto about 28 at the warmest! We're all sporting rather impressive tan lines.

The carp have certainly enjoyed the sun, and are keenly feeding off the top, or sunbathing like this ghostie ~ 15lb.

Anglers have faced challenges when the fish in Reed and Arches spawned, but despite this several specimen Tench were banked from the Arches. 
Fortunately just before they spawned we were in with our annual tidy up of both to draw back the edges of the reeds and have all swims easily fishable.

Things are looking good for the next couple of weeks for those pools now as the fish will be coming onto feed ravenously after their amorous exertions!
Meanwhile Lonsdale's population steadily graced the banks with a 9lb 3oz Tench, and plenty of Carp in the high teens topped by at least 4 to different anglers upto 24lb that I know about! 
Several anglers tempted them with a stealthy floating breadcrust - which I think is about one of the best ways to catch a Carp!

The Roach fishing kept everyone pleased one angler told me "Today, you could have entered me into any match you like, and if I could have entered what I caught here today I'd have walked away with first everytime" - another happy angler!

Anglers have been treated to the delights of spring and summer together this week, with all our wildlife beginning to emerge with it's offspring. Most notice-ably our resident Tawny Owls have decided this year to show off, and raise their two owlets on the edges of Deer lake to the delight of the guests.
Mother owl has been encouraging them to fly first from branch to branch, then tree to tree, and now she's trying to tempt them on the flight over the water to the far bank.
Watching them is a great privelidge for me and our guests, and it's all the moments like these that demonstrate the magic that permeates the park.
Or as Colin (angler and guest) put it: "Treecreeper on the tree next to me, Buzzard overhead, Tawny and her babies alongside, Tench and Carp on the hook, died and gone to heaven!"

We've got some vacancy this week and next, so if you fancy a little slice of heaven in the sun, at some seriously knocked down prices, give us a call for a chat:
Paul on 07770 825 896
or the home number on 01228 562655
alternatively you can email us at

 Common above ~ 20lb

Now for some pictures Shared with us via our Facebook page of the last couple of weeks (for those of you not on 'the book')
 Above Rob Hargreaves with a lovely Ghostie

 Above and below Jamie Spence.
Thanks for sharing guys!

We love to see your pictures, so when we find them on our facebook page or in the email inbox, they really make us smile.
Thanks! Emma and Paul

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