Sunday, 31 May 2015

Lightowlers & Browns

Hi Guys,

Thanks for sending over the photos & write up so quickly from your stay at Lonsdale last week.

Paul, Val and Family.
The weather was up and down but the carp where biting, from stories told we took note and fished through the night where Bob cleaned up at the start of the week catching fish from Midnight to 6am. Steve shocked the group by getting up at 4am twice this week (not a normal thing to do so must have been wanting the fish) and fishing until late on a night. Bob had a great week catching 23 carp in total ranging from 8lb to a new personal best of 21.3lb. Fishing harder than usual Steve also had a good week with 8 carp from 4lb to 17.3lb.
Mike also had a great week catching carp and we all seemed to have cracked the pond. Mike caught a total of 19 carp ranging from 9lb upto 17.5lb and right to the wire was still pushing Bob for the most fish of the week.
Steve Brown started slow however towards the back end of the week this soon changed. With a total of 15 carp from 9lb upto 16.7lb with 2 excellent looking grass carp. Again pushed to the wire still catching in the afternoon of our last session.
This has been a great week fishing for carp and they where all in great condition at the start of the week nothing was biting during the day and we had to fish through the night but at the back end of the week the bigger fish where caught in the afternoon.
Thanks again for a great time

The Lightowlers and The Browns

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Late Availability

Week commencing 6th June
                                20th June
                                27th June

2 bedroomed Caravan   £350

2 bedroomed Cottage    £425

3 bedroomed Cottage    £550

Can only be booked by calling 01228 562655

         or                               07770 825896   (9am - 6:30 pm)

Monday, 25 May 2015

Dai & Doreen enjoy yet another stay at Lonsdale

Thank you very much Dai for sending these photos & writ up over to us.

Paul and Val,     
The two big mirrors were from The Arches. Just to distinguish between the two photos , the 26 and half pound caught at 11.11 am and 23 and half pound at 13.46pm. Both caught on your yellow boilees . The other photo was 10lb common from lodge .
To say I was pleased is an understatement as I had never seriously fished The Arches before.  But to have the pool to myself knowing that there are big carp in there is very rare in today`s carping .
Overall , I had 13 fish.  
Good health to you both.

Dai and Doreen.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Terry Strikes Back!

Terry is now out to catch up Pete!

Terry has started the day well with a nice 15lb 'er caught by the reeds on nutty nut. Pete has had a slow start ( for him ) with 3 upto 12lb

Terry edges closer to Pete with an 18.13 his best catch of the week

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Under The Rainbow

Pete & Terry enjoying the "Pot of Gold" at Lonsdale

Pete's off Again!

Just received this a couple of minute ago - Pete still enjoying himself!

18th May... Seven Fish, best catch 24.9 ( photo ) all on nutty nut and peach and black pepper with a running rig

Sent from my BlackBerry® PlayBook™
                                            Thanks Pete for sending this over so quickly

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Pete's 18th

We've had some great catches this week, most notable of which have come from Peter Mitchell who is just starting his second week, he has had a total of 47 carp this week mostly high doubles; but his most notable fish was a 24lb 6oz common, nearly all of Peter's fish were taken from midnight on wards. His best night was yesterday with an incredible 18 fish in total up to 21lb 7oz, Peter commented that he wished he could be 18 again to keep up with the pace as he is absolutely exhausted, almost all of the fish fell to Lonsdale's own Peach and Black Pepper and Nutty Nut freezer boilies, fished out towards the sunken roadway. Pete's usual fishing partner Terry Milligan is celebrating his Dad's 80th birthday this week so has consequently been spending a lot of time with his dad on the cottage pegs, terry's biggest carp was a 17lber and has had several Pike also to around the 17lb mark, Charlie (Terry's dad) has had plenty of roach to 2lb and bags of tench to 4lb.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Last minute Bank Holiday Availability

Limited availability for the Bank Holiday week-end.

Prices from £40 per person per night.

Can only be booked by calling 01228 562655 or 07770 825896

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Bill & Paul's week end

Thanks to Bill, who sent us over his catch report from the week-end. Bill was on his second visit of the year & we'll see him again in July

Hi Paul we had a great weekend we got 20 fish up to 18 lbs lots of doubles and 2 lovely grass carp we fished from the point towards the snags we were fishing boiles over particle which worked well Paul had a great session he caught 15 I chipped in with 5 overall an exceptional weekend can't wait to get back down. See you soon.

Regards Bill

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