Friday, 26 October 2012

Neile and Dave's account and photo's

  Hello please find some of the photos of the recent fishing trip with my dad (Dave Jestin) from cottage 1. 

It was our third time to Lonsdale and Cottage 1, and we are booked in again next June 2013 for the lead up to my Dad's 65th birthday. 

This was as ever an amazing week surrounded by the wonderful nature Lonsdale has to offer ospreys, owls calling to each other over the lake and a resident field mouse in my bivvy who took a liking to my Dad's fishing luggage.

The target's this week were to break the 20lb barrier for carping as I have never achieved this, and my Dad to hopefully get a double on his new rod and reel, earlier in the week he did achieve a nice 1lb roach.

We left it for our final days fishing; with minutes to spare on the Friday my Dad was about to call it a day, but his bite alarm went off and I could not believe my eyes when I helped the carp into the landing net for him, his carp which I'm holding in one of the pics due to his disability weighed in at 18lb 6oz. What a way for him to finish his weeks fishing and how wonderful that he's fishing again after a severe stroke left him with the use of just one arm. He love's Lonsdale and can't wait to revisit. After I helped him settle I went down to our peg to fish during the night with the hope of a 20 pounder. I did not believe it when the first take at 2230 hours landed me that dream fish and a fantastic end to my week a 25lb 8oz beautiful conditioned common carp!! 

Many thanks and see you next June!!
Neile Jestin

Other fish that I caught during the week were a 13lb 4oz ghost carp and a 16lb 8oz linear carp, with good sport from smaller carp.

Ps the pike is from April 2012 and tipped in at just over 20 at 20lb 3oz my first over 20lb!!

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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The Colonel's four fish in four casts

A Couple of Days from The Colonel’s Autumn Diary

It all began with a post on my Facebook wall…………..
“Well, what a splendid day. I've just enjoyed my lunch outside in the strong autumn sun, under a clear blue sky. A mouthwatering 'New York Deli' sandwich and a fine fresh brewed Indian Assam, made with proper leaf tea, of course.

A true 'weather bonus', for sure, of which I shall take further advantage tomorrow, with a day's carp fishing at my friend, Paul Drinkall's, private Willow Pool, in the hope of landing this little fella's Dad or Grandad. After that, there's the Korean Grand Prix to anticipate at the weekend. I've just realised, I was born to retire!!!!!!!”

Thus, the very next day found me on a familiar path towards Willow Pool. No specific ‘omens’ of note but, perhaps, a couple of indicators that I’d made the right choice. First one, there was a lot of activity in the hedgerows as the birds were feeding voraciously on the last of the summer’s food supply. All appeared to be LBJ’s…….or ‘Little Brown Jobbies’, as I refer to all those whose names don’t spring readily to mind, and who all look pretty darned similar anyway. Second, the potholes in the track were reappearing, a sure sign there’d been recent frost, which causes the stone filling them to move and loosen. And, of course, the first frosts tend to encourage the Golden Scaley Ones into their pre-winter feed-up. Optimism washed over me…….I was indeed hopeful.

The pool welcomed me. Calm and still, there was a sense of expectation in the air as I readied ‘The Bishop’, 10lb line and the proven Cotswold Baits’ Chilli Garlic Sausage. Mmmmmm, good enough for me to eat, they’ll not be able to resist. And, sure enough, they couldn’t. Not long before the alarm sounded a merry squeak, the bobbin rose and my blood pumped. Not a big’un, but a hard charger alright; it still managed to make my arm ache and heart pound. Paul had spotted the hooped rod through the open doors of his workshop and called Emma over to take a photo of myself and the pretty little battler. 

The little fella was quickly returned, no the worse for his visit to an alien world, but probably a tad wiser; he’ll be less easily fooled the next time.

A recast and soon the blood was pumping hard once more. This time a far better stamp of fish gave The Bishop a proper workout. Again Emma was on hand to catch the moment for me.

The Bishop poses with the pristine portly one……….the fish, not me !!!!!!!
Well, the day was becoming something special alright. But, the best was waiting just around the corner.
Within a thrice, we were in again. But now, the gloves were off. The pool had despatched one of it’s ‘big boys’ to show The Colonel who was boss. The Bishop had to strain a few more fibres in taming this big beast. Two or three times he very nearly made it to the sanctuary of those bankside reed beds, which would have meant curtains, for sure. But we won the day and a sharp whistle had Paul and Emma back at my side to help me beach this ‘whale’. Lovely, lovely fish……even gave the old Colonel a respectful salute with an erected dorsal fish for the camera.

Lunch was beckoning, but the fish had other ideas, and this lovely creature once more brought my kind hosts dashing to my aid.

So, four fish in four casts, all between elevenses and luncheon, and, although this diary entry is a tad short on words, I think the pictures tell the merry tale, don’t you??
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Saturday, 20 October 2012

Derek lands a monster Pike!

Derek Downes who stayed with us two weeks ago certainly enjoyed his start to the Piking season when he landed this cracking 24lb 3 oz specimen amongst many other smaller Esox.

The big hen fish was taken on chopped mackerel fishing from the left hand side of the point on Lonsdale.
Like many of our Pike she chewed the morsel in situ for awhile, so Derek initially thought he'd hook into one of our beasty big eels, but as the fight started it was obvious he'd actually hooked a monster Pike!

Well done Derek and special thanks to Mr. Raymond Harris who emailed a copy of the photo across!

In the same week we had Carp at 21lb and Roach at 2lb out - so it's a fruitful autumn all round!

Some accomodation is still available for Half-Term - call 01228 562655 or email for details or to book!

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Monday, 8 October 2012

Mark Carberry's catch report

"I managed to nick out 5 carp in just over 24 hours with the biggest at 18.5 lb and a beautifully coloured common. (pic attached)
Any way, many thanks and will be in touch soon about booking next years holidays and I hope you all keep well.
Many thanks
Mark Carberry."
Competiton to catch a free holiday!!
Come and stay with us for at least 3 nights anytime between the 1st of November 2012 and the 28th of Feburary 2013, and you could catch yourself a free 3 day break!

All you have to do is fish between the hours of 8am to 8pm, and catch anyone of our:
Pike 20lb+
Carp 20lb+
Roach 2lb 4oz+
Perch 3lb+
or Tench 5lb+
The first angler to land our mystery fish - "the Golden Carp" wins a week in the 3 bedroomed lakeside lodge for 2 adults and 2 children, during the main season subject to availability. 
You can find out more about the Lodge at
Details of our mystery "Golden Carp" will be given on guests arrival!
We will adjudicate the competition, so all anglers wishing to enter the challenge need do is phone Paul on his mobile once they land the fish and we will attend to verify.
Qualifying anglers will not only have caught a lovely specimen but also a free 3 day break!
(we think this is going to be a widely uptaken and successfully completed challenge so in order to be able to run it for all guests, the won breaks will be organised at our discretion regarding dates etc and are for a maximum of 4 guests.
Won holidays will not include electric where accomodation is metered.)

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Thursday, 4 October 2012

Morning All!

It's my favourite time of year. Autumn!

The mornings are crisp and cool, but not yet cold, and the trees are just starting turn. All coarse fish species are heading into a last feeding frenzy to help see them through the winter, but it's October and that inevitably makes me think about Predators.

Catch reports are pointing to our bigger Perch making a reappearance, but this year I'm keen to have a go at a style of fishing I'd never tried before... Piking!

Luckily a friend of the family is an excellent and keen Pike angler, who kindly agreed to take me along for my first session on Saturday morning.

(Pike are a predatory fish armed with impressive teeth, gill rakes and athleticism,  they require specialist equipment and skills to not just catch but more importantly unhook and return them to the water safe and healthy. I cannot stress enough just how important it is to venture into Piking with an experienced angler beside you to help and keep both you and your catch happy at the end of the day)

We set out about 8am and headed over to the back of Lonsdale, to the edge of "Dead man's corner" where I know a huge hen fish of 28lb 8oz had been caught not once but twice already this season. 
I wasn't too keen to be introduced such a grand lady of an esox my first trip out, but I knew Richard would love to meet her! 
(I'd brought along Dad's massive carp unhooking mat, and another smaller one to give us plenty of room - just in case!)

We settled on deadbaiting using some frozen Roach and Mackerel that we sell in the shop, and threw in a few chopped up sections as free offerings and added interest.

I settled on the rods off to the left - away from the stately home of the fish I was thinking of as Lady of the Manor, looking for a more gentle introduction among smaller Jacks.
I didn't have to wait for long!

There you have it my first ever Pike!
As soon as I struck the bite I couldn't believe the believe the fight - I could tell he wasn't a big fish, but he used every lean muscle to resist. As Richard slipped the net under him I felt myself breath out - I'd unconsciously held my breath throughout the fight!
Richard quickly and calmly demonstrated the proper technique for unhooking, and we had used single hooks to make it easier.
Wary that he'd put his all into the fight I slipped the little Jack into the water and held him steady for a few moments until he decided firmly he'd had enough of my company. Champion!

Over the next 40 minutes I had two bites, but missed them both! One snapped my trace, and the other was undeniably a poor hit on the bite. 

A little over an hour after my first fish, I struck a gentle inquiry (it turns out sometimes Pike eat a deadbait insitu so you have to be set up for this) and found myself with a bigger opponent.
This fish was much more aggressive that the little Jack, and even tried to tail walk. 
Richard helped me with the net and again demonstrated handling (this one was a little trickier to unhook) For our super speedy photo I couldn't quite get over the densly packed weight of the fish - or the fact that it was quite a bit longer than my torso! 
After a minute and half of nursing in the water, admiring the beautiful camouflage patterns up close as the sun filtered through the top two inches of sunlight, I said good bye to my second Pike.

A short while later Matt (Amy's boyfriend) appeared, keen to learn what he could about Piking in 20 minutes. After a decent bite, Richard kindly handed the fight to Matt, who landed a cracking fish - the colours really popped!

All the time Richard's baits sat in prime position, awaiting "The Lady" to no avail.
She must have been unimpressed with the uncouth company he had brought!
In the end his patience was rewarded with one of the biggest eel's I have personally ever seen:

More impressive was the way Richard lulled it into a torpor (something I'd never seen done) and then unhooked it easily as lay motionless - we even got to snap a quick picture!
The big eel is a very different prospect to the smaller babies I occasionally see, and actually a really impressive creature!

I love days like this - when someone or something opens up a whole new element of the water to me, showing me something I had never suspected. 

For me I think Lonsdale will always be bottomless - there will always be something to learn, some fish uncaught.

To start your own Pike adventure give us a ring on 07770825896 or book online at the link below:

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