Hello all,
Many of you asked to keep up with my studies via the blog so this is a quick note to let you know that I recieved my results yesterday..............................................................................
and I have passed my final year!
It's been 5 years of very hard work, and I've loved almost every minute of it.
In July I'll graduate, take my oath and sign the register of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons - which will make me: E Drinkall BVMedSci BVM BVS MRCVS (That's a long way to spell 'Vet' if you ask me!)
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Saturday, 23 June 2012
Monday, 18 June 2012
Pattell Party are having a beano!
The first few photo's from the Pattell Boys:
22lb 8oz
14lb 10oz
21lb 8oz
15lb 4oz
Hopefully there will be more to follow soon...
In other news we had a 20lb Pike out yesterday evening to angler Terry (affectionately known as Uncle Albert to those of us who know him)!
You could be on the bank, landing fish like these on the 30th June, in a 2 bed cottage for a week for as little as £355! (Max 4 anglers)
Give us a call on 07770825896 to enquire or book.
Don't forget - we don't charge you extra to fish, or per rod - it's all included!
(If you were stopping in the Premier Inn at J42 that week it would cost you £455! and you only get one double room and bathroom there, and certainly no fish like these or their larger companions!)
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Sunday, 17 June 2012
The Colonel's diary, and fish this week (already!)
Colonel’s Diary – 14th June 2012
The threat from an imminent, deep Atlantic low plus it’s
attendant wind and rain prompted me to make a pleading call to my good friend
Paul, in the hope I might sneak in a day’s fishing on my favoured Willow Pool,
before the latest ‘British Summer’ descended. I was, as usual, welcomed with
open arms. What an unselfish chap, granting me such access to his truly
delightful water and the shoals of Roach residing therein.
Paul was busy himself, tending to routine chores in the
interests of his paying angling guests in the Park, but I was greeted by the
equally smiley Emma, who is not only far better looking than her Dad but also
makes a rather splendid cup of tea too. I’d only just stepped from my car when
I heard the sweetest of enquiries, ‘ Tea or coffee, Ray?’
‘What service’, I quipped, ‘I think a nice cup of tea for a
change, please’.
Emma scurried off kitchenwards and I cast a quick eye over
the pool. Still and calm, with a goodly amount of wind blown pollen gathered at
the foot of my bank, resulting from the overnight breeze which heralded the
forboding Atlantic low. Then I spied something I’d not seen before on Willow
Pool……….bubbling, and lots of it, all over the small bay in front of my pitch.
For some reason, and I don’t understand why, fish in the Pool are reluctant to
show their whereabouts by bubbling or rolling and leaping. They ‘smokescreen’
regularly but are somewhat shy in the ‘bubbling, rolling and leaping’
department. I was suitably impressed and eager to wet a line, but first things
first……my tea had arrived and Emma was keen to update me about goings on with
the local wildlife, and I was keen to hear all. The fish will still be there in
a quarter of an hour, while I enjoy a delicious cuppa and a chat with my very
knowledgeable friend.
And so to fishing. I’d forgotten to put a tin of sweetcorn
in my bag, but I had visited the supermarket on my way over, so had a nice
fresh loaf for flake, plus the liquidised remains of the loaf I’d used when
last I visited. I also had an idea to use a bait I’d not tried for many a year,
compressed crust. And I knew Paul would have some corn in his storage box on
the bank if I got really desperate for a bait change. I’d not prevail further
upon his kindness just yet though. Let’s persevere with the two bread options
for the time being. It’s so enjoyable catching these fish on basic, traditional
At the same time as I was pinching the first piece of flake
on a barbless 10 hook, I heard a flopping splash as a large fish turned on the
surface. Glancing up to my right, I saw the heavy ripple arcing away from the
spot. Half a second later, my gaze still affixed, the surface broke open violently
as a golden scaley one cleaved through and upwards, escaping his domain in a
leap of joy. Well, they’re really excelling themselves for me today, I thought.
First bubbling, then magnificent leaping; they are real carp now. Three cheers.
Delighted with Paul’s carp revealing themselves in true
carpy fashion, I cast my float for his beautiful roach; and they didn’t
disappoint either. 1lb 9ozs was the biggest of the 20 or so that I outwitted
over the day. But my biggest success was outwitting the weather, which, after a
couple of hours turned quite contrary, with a strong wind blowing into my face.
The Atlantic low was ahead of schedule and hurrying along apace. If there’s one mood of the weather that’s
guaranteed to irk me on stillwater, it’s a headwind; and I suspect I am not
alone in that. It got the better of me and I changed to a Heath Robinson
running link leger, with a bread paste bobbin indicator. Back to basics!!!!!
And I still caught, even using this crudest of crude
set-ups. What a pool the ‘Willow’ is.
I tired of fishing so crudely and reset the float rig, as I
should have done in the first place, ensuring a deeper sinking of the line,
waggler style. Much more satisfying to conquer this confounded early weather
system, present a bait properly and catch the best fish of the day. I finished
the day on a high, in spite of the Atlantic low, thanks to my dear friends,
Paul, Emma and the Willow Roach.
Thanks Ray!
I couldn't wait to share the most recent catch report with you from Lonsdale, so please forgive me as I'll repeat it later once I've caught up with pictures!
But the Plattell party have had a 22lb, a 21lb, and a few others at ~15lb mark, and a couple of lovely tench between the 4 of them already! The boys are kindly going to lend me their memory card tonight so I can upload some pictures for you tomorrow.
And Steve stopping in the lodge said he had 5 carp last night.
It certainly seems our Lonsdale's Secret Recipe White Chocolate and Strawberry based boillies are the bait to use right now! (Can't go wrong at only £7.99 a bag either!)
It certainly seems our Lonsdale's Secret Recipe White Chocolate and Strawberry based boillies are the bait to use right now! (Can't go wrong at only £7.99 a bag either!)
It great when everyone comes up to me to show me their photo's - especially the ones with great big grins!
The fish seem to be feeding all over the park so it looks set to be a great couple of weeks!
And we're still offering the accomodation we have available for the week of the 30th June at upto half price! (for bookings upto max 4 people)
So you could stay in a 2 bed cottage for a week for only £355!
(If you were stopping in the Premier Inn at J42 that week it would cost you £455!
and you only get one double room and bathroom there - certainly no fishing!)
special offer,
Split Cane,
The colonel
Saturday, 16 June 2012
A little game for you
Just a quick note today - as I'm sure you all know it's arrivals day for us.
I've started a little game on our twitter and facebook pages, where I take a picture from a peg using my phone, and upload it for you to work out which peg I was on when I took the picture.
A few clues:
I might not be at the usual height / angle to take the photo, to make it a bit more interesting.
It can be any lake.
I won't use the accomodation's private pegs, as not everyone will recognise the view from them!
I'll start with our named pegs (a honour many guests acquire following a remarkable catch) which are popular and easy to identify.
If you're not already you can get involved and follow us on our twitter page: https://twitter.com/#!/LonsdalePark
Or become a fan on facebook, just click the box in the right hand coloumn of this page.
Hope you're all having a nice weekend, even if it's raining!
To return home click: www.lonsdalepark.co.uk
I've started a little game on our twitter and facebook pages, where I take a picture from a peg using my phone, and upload it for you to work out which peg I was on when I took the picture.
A few clues:
I might not be at the usual height / angle to take the photo, to make it a bit more interesting.
It can be any lake.
I won't use the accomodation's private pegs, as not everyone will recognise the view from them!
I'll start with our named pegs (a honour many guests acquire following a remarkable catch) which are popular and easy to identify.
If you're not already you can get involved and follow us on our twitter page: https://twitter.com/#!/LonsdalePark
Or become a fan on facebook, just click the box in the right hand coloumn of this page.
Hope you're all having a nice weekend, even if it's raining!
To return home click: www.lonsdalepark.co.uk
Friday, 15 June 2012
A few photo's from the Margett Boys
Steve and Lee kindly sent me a few of their photo's from their stay a couple of weeks ago, hopefully I'll be able to share their write up of catches soon too!
We're offering upto 50% off last minute availability for the 30th of June.
We're offering upto 50% off last minute availability for the 30th of June.
To book or for more details give us a ring on 07770825896 or 01228 562655
or you can email us at lonspark@aol.com
To return to our home page click: www.lonsdalepark.co.uk
Thursday, 14 June 2012
50% off 30th June
Just in case any of you have been struggling, or left it a little late we can help you out with Father's day this year.
We're offering upto 50% off last minute availability for the 30th of June.
To book or for more details give us a ring on 07770825896 or 01228 562655
or you can email us at lonspark@aol.com
PS. Dad's are heroes!
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Sunday, 10 June 2012
Ben V Ian
Thursday saw Ian, win the match.
This was followed on Friday with a bit of friendly family rivalry as Ian & Father-in Law Ben enjoyed a day's fishing.
Ian caught 55 roach over a 1lb with the best being 1lb 14oz pipping Ben who landed his best roach at 1lb 12oz.
However whilst Ian is off back to work Ben is still enjoying a second week, hoping to better Ian's 1lb 14 ozs!
This was followed on Friday with a bit of friendly family rivalry as Ian & Father-in Law Ben enjoyed a day's fishing.
Ian caught 55 roach over a 1lb with the best being 1lb 14oz pipping Ben who landed his best roach at 1lb 12oz.
However whilst Ian is off back to work Ben is still enjoying a second week, hoping to better Ian's 1lb 14 ozs!
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Late Availability Offers
Limited accommodation available at discounted prices for June.
Call for details.
Call for details.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Bait Reminder
Just a quick reminder although it seems most visitors have noted already that we are asking angler's to use our Lonsdale Baits this year.
Any questions please feel free to call.
Any questions please feel free to call.
The Happy Colonel
Wednesday, 23rd May, 2012-05-24
It’s three day’s into an unaccustomed hot spell, and I’m
taking up a longstanding invitation to wet a line on the ‘Willow Pool’,
following an email from my bearded buddy with the wide grin. The omens were
good as I approached Lonsdale Park. Trickling down the narrow, unmade track, my
car was preceded by a pair of Goldfinches, flitting and darting between the
hedgerows bounding the bridleway. A hint of a ‘golden day’, perhaps. The birdy
omens got even better when I was treated to the avian acrobatics of a pair of
buzzards, ascending on the already strong thermals, whilst I was setting up at
the poolside. Their joyous display was cut short by a bullyboy crow, who,
jealous of their flying skills no doubt, took to the air agressively when they got too close to his
domain. The pair ‘miaowed’ at him and gently
glided up to a height where ‘bullies’ lose their false bravery, masters of ‘their
domain’. Good omens indeed.
Whilst the omens were good for a day with my beloved roach,
the weather wasn’t ‘textbook’. Blazing sun and clear, bright blue sky were
stacked against me having a bumper haul. How wrong to generalise and follow
conventional wisdom. I’d brought the ‘Korum Sedan’ (aka Deluxe Chair) in anticipation of
more sunbathing than rod bending, but my dear friends, Paul’s pristine, Willow
Pool roach shoals, had other ideas. They fed consistently and voraciously the
whole day long, taking breadflake and sweetcorn in equal measure. Pretty much
unmissable bites on the float saw 43 of them come to hand. Yes, forty three!!!!! Ten of them over the
pound, the biggest saw the readout on my new Reuben Heaton tubular, digital balance make
1lb and 4ozs. With every fish in excess of ¾ pound I was a very happy old
As the sun was downing and the flies madly hatching, I ended
the day with Paul sitting alongside,bathing in the tranquil embers of the day. We set
the world to rights, as all traditional anglers do, whilst staring, memerised,
at my cocked float. The red shaft wavered from side to side, lifted, falling on
it’s side in a slow motion dance. ‘That’s interesting’, muttered my host.
“That’s carp”, my thoughts responded. Sure enough, bobbing and leaning ritual completed,
the tip ‘arrowed’ smoothly down and away, on a journey to the centre of the
earth. The upward sweep of my rod met the resistance of a sack of cement, then,
Izaak’s spirit smiled upon me. The hook pulled!!!!!! Well, at my age, I didn’t want to be
there all night wrestling a golden scaley one, did I???? And a splintered cane
rod would be no use to me when I visit again next week………if this ‘perfect roach
weather’ continues.
Many thanks, my friend..........see you soon.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Jubilee Offer! Save £30 - £60!
Are you doing anything nice this weekend?
Celebrating the coronation with a street party?
Thinking about booking a holiday?
We're celebrating 60 years of HRH Reign by offering an additional 6% off all bookings made this weekend!
(So regulars that's on top your usual discount, or 6% for new customers!)
That works out to saving anywhere from £30 to £60 off a week!
To book and take advantage of this discount, call us on 01228 562655, 07770825896
or email us: lonspark@aol.com
(Offer ends 8pm June 5th 2012)
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