As you can see we're making the most of our belated Indian summer!
I was fishing with Dad last week in the evening sunlight, and decided to take one of the weights off my already simple set up (Split cane, centre pin, float that Dad made when he was a boy, 2 BB and a hook) to leave my float laying on.
I pinched a flake of bread onto the hook in my own particular way and settled down.
I have never outfished my Dad. Not sat together side by side. (I like to think it's all the 'experience' he has on me)
But this night there was something going on. Maybe it's the pheromones.
My float twitched and slid under as one of the big roach got greedy. A few more big roach and Dad's float was decidedly still not 8 feet from mine. He re cast encroaching on my swim, and my float promptly quieted too.
A few minutes later and my float slowly right itself and slid away. Definitely 'carpy'. Not a heavyweight but he was determined to punch above his class! The Mark Simmonds stocked into the Willlows are very heavy set, strong fish, and once I got him to the bank I realised he was nearly as thick as my hands span - so I had to cradle him very carefully for a quick photo!
I slipped him back with instructions not to mention this to Walter, and settled down again.
The quiet was disturbed by the unmistakable "chi-keeeeeee" of the kingfisher as he swooped the length of the lake, banked around and to our surprise settled in to the young willows just on our right:

Once he'd arrived I got a bit distracted trying to take a picture, but did manage to land a few more very lovely roach.
And you guessed it. Dad's float might as well have been a monument to stoicism
(The endurance of pain or hardship without display of feelings or complaint)
So it was an evening to remember for a long time for me, and one worth sharing. Dad's certainly been back on form and soundly trounced me since!
Still at least the carp are still feeding!
PS: If you'd like to come and fish the Willows or the Secret Pool contact us on 07770825896 to book the Secret Cottage which has exclusive rights to these two cracking lakes!