Sunday, 30 August 2009

Email from James

Here's an email we recieved last night:

"Hi Paul

Just to let you know I had a great holiday down at Lonsdale with my mum,step dad,brother,auntie and uncle. We all caught ALOT of fish from Roach to Tench to Carp to Rudd to Ghosties and even one or two Chub. I personaly fished the residents match and won with 31lb 8oz of pure roach which I was pleased with as Jamie said it was the best pure Roach bag he had seen in the past 10 week of which he had been there. Along with the great match result for me I had a personal best carp of 14lb 12oz Ghost Carp.My little brother also had a fabulous time with many smaller carp averaging the 2-4lb mark. Here is a picture of my Ghost Carp and my little brothers Carp.

Thanks again for a great holiday.

James & Family"

Thanks for the email guys!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Back from Oz, and a new website!

Well I got back from Australia last week, and I had an awesome time - I even ended up fishing a couple of times! But if you want to know more about my travels, you'll have to make me a brew one evening and ask me about it when you're next here.

The much more exciting news for most of you (which you will have already hopefully noticed) is that we have a brand new shiny website to look at!
My boyfriend Tom is a bit of a computer whizz kid, and he's been working with my Dad while I've been away on our new look.
You've probably already noticed the new Bargain boxes on the left hand side of the homepage - Mum and Dad can edit these whenever they need to - so as it says if you want to 'net' yourself a 'reel' deal that's the first place to check.

Also as part of our web renovations we've got an even better page for all our photo's. Now I'm currently whittling away trying to get as many as I can up, and I must say it's much easier that it used to be.
So if you want to see your photo's up on our site (and show off to your mates) email them to me at or even stick them on a CD and post them to us!
I promise I'll get as many as possible onto the site!

If there's anything you spot on the website that you think needs an amendment - or anything you think we've missed off please send us an email or give us a call!

Keep hitting your 'refresh' button to see all the changes we're making!

So back to park life (that was a famous song once, wasn't it?) Anyway I've been hard at work on the park as Dad's apprentice Jamie is enjoying a holiday in Eygpt.
This week I'm working on the website and on renovating the road down to and through the park. Yes it is hard work if you were wondering. I'm also going to have a 'gardening' day - though yesterday evening it took me 2 hours just to get the grass at home cut, never mind the park!
The weather's been sort of undecided this week, one day we had half the month's due rainfall, the next it was a lovely summer's day, so who know's when I'll get the rest of the grass done!

Write again soon,
